About Resource Insight
Resource Insight is a nationally recognized consulting firm that specializes in the regulation of electric and gas utilities. Based in Arlington, Massachusetts, we provide technical and policy analysis, strategic advice, assistance in settlement negotiations, and expert testimony. Resource Insight was founded in 1986 as PLC, Inc.
Since our founding, we have:
- Advised a wide range of clients on strategy in negotiations, litigation, procurement, and other matters.
- Represented clients in negotiations and stakeholder working groups on energy-efficiency program design and funding, power procurement, inter-state and inter-class cost allocations, market design, and other issues.
- Published more than 80 articles and reports on energy-efficiency program funding and evaluation, restructuring, market design, avoided costs, procurement strategies, and other topics.
- Testified on behalf of clients in approximately 500 regulatory proceedings.
Our Staff

Paul Chernick
More than four decades of experience in utility planning and regulation.
Mr. Chernick has advised clients on a wide range of issues including restructuring policy, estimation of stranded costs, market price forecasts, market valuation of generation resources, and divestiture of generation assets; planning and ratemaking for central supply, energy-efficiency, renewable and distributed resources, and least-cost compliance with environmental regulations; cost allocation and rate design; transmission and distribution planning; and valuation of environmental externalities. Mr. Chernick has testified in more than 350 regulatory and judicial proceedings.

Dianne DeMarco
Finance / HR Director