Unique Insight into Complex Energy Issues

Advancing the Public Interest in Utility Planning and Regulation Since 1986

Resource Insight, Inc. is a nationally recognized consulting firm specializing in the regulation of electric and gas utilities. We provide technical and policy analysis, strategic advice, assistance in settlement negotiations, and expert testimony. Our principals have advised, represented, and testified on behalf of clients in more than 300 regulatory proceedings. Our clients include consumer advocates and other government agencies, local governments, environmental and other public-interest organizations, utilities, and other market participants.

Our Expertise

Resource Planning & Evaluation

Integrated Resource Planning, Resource Acquisition, Environmental Analysis, & Avoided Costs

Utility Regulation

Cost Allocation, Rate Design, Prudence Review, Transmission & Distribution Planning, & Rate and Bill Effects of Resource Plans

Power Procurement

Process Design, Real-Time Procurement Monitoring, & Review of Procurements

Contact Us

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Get in Touch

Address: 10 Court Street
PO Box 232
Arlington, MA 02476

Email: rii_inquire@resourceinsight.com